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«  August 2012  »
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Principala » 2012 » August » 22 » Despre modestie indiferent de grade...
2:16 AM
Despre modestie indiferent de grade...
In artele martiale din Romania si nu numai, de vreo 10-15 ani incoace vedem cum "maestri" plini de orgoliu vor sa dea lectii elevilor. Asta este unul dintre principalele motive ale pierderii esentei artelor martiale. Multi dintre cei peste 5-6 Dan nu mai pot face un antrenament sustinut; nu practica "esenta". Pot practicanti cu 6,7,8 Dan sa faca ce fac cei din filmul atasat? Oare pentru ei principiul "keiko, keiko, keiko" nu se mai aplica? Faramitarile din ultimii ani din Aik
ido, fuga dupa orgolii si sefie m-au facut sa postez asta. Pentru cei ce inca merg pe Do, iata un exemplu de modestie si tehnica desavarsita: Kyuzo Mifune, 10 Dan Judo, la peste 60 de ani si elevii sai, majoritatea detinand peste 6 Dan, antrenandu-se cu Maestrul. Ceilalti, care vor sa "stapaneasca" nu vor intelege nimic...

Within martial arts practice we see, in the last 10-15 years (maybe more), as "masters" full of pride, feeling as little gods, try to teach students. This is one of the main reasons for loosing the essence of martial arts. Many of those holding more than 5-6 Dan can't do a serious training, they do not practice "essence". Practitioners with 6,7,8 Dan can do what those masters do in the film attached? For them the principle "keiko, keiko, keiko" no longer applies? Fragmentation in recent years in Aikido, run by egos and chairmanship made me to post this. For those who still walk on Do, here's an example of modesty and exquisite technique: Kyuzo Mifune, 10 Dan Judo, over 60 years old, and his students, most of them holding over 6 Dan, training with the Master. Anyway, the others who want to "dominate" will not understand anything ...

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